
Lo que están mostrando las mujeres en Instagram


Las redes sociales y en especial Instagram, es una plataforma para mostrar imágenes de los mejores momentos vividos.

Hace unos años ha venido en crecimiento la tendencia de que las personas publiquen fotos de sus cuerpos bien trabajados y los resultados del gimnasio.

(Mira esto: [Video] A Rochi Stevenson casi se le sale el bebé)

Aunque para muchos es atractivo y divertida la idea de esto, a la vez ha generado cierto estigma para aquellas personas que no tienen esa figura ideal.

Pero parece que eso está a punto de cambiar, ya que en la misma red social, se ha puesto de moda aquellas mujeres que deciden mostrar su celulitis, las marcas de sobrepeso o exceso de grasa en su piel.

(Te puede interesar: Yina Calderón se relajó y salió desnuda)

Esto como respuesta para que las mujeres se muestren reales y sin temor a como en realidad es su cuerpo.


Hey babes!! Happy #cellulitesaturday !! I don’t want to underestimate the importance of this work. To normalize all bodies as good bodies. I remember noticing my cellulite at a very young age and feeling like there was something so wrong with me. I would seek to find it on others and any time I saw it I felt a little bit more normal, a little bit more accepted, a little bit more lovable. My message today is short and sweet. I’ve spent years unlearning the hate towards this facet of my body, and part of that process was learning that I wasn’t the only one with dimples on my thighs. I just hope that by helping pioneer this movement along side my gal @omgkenzieee and so many others willing to get totally uncomfortable to do what’s hard…that we can empower women and girls in a world that wants to tell them how to fix everything that’s "wrong" by showing them what it looks like to embrace everything that is so right. So much love and as always, just do you babes! Xoxo Allie

Una foto publicada por 🌴 ALLISON 🌸 Girl Power Guru 🙌🏻 (@allisonkimmey) el


Yaassssssssss kweens. You know what day it is! 👑 👸 🎉 Do I love this part of my body? No, absolutely not. No matter how many times I talk about it, no matter how many people support me, its engrained in me to understand that "if you have cellulite, that part of your body is not good looking." And some people will read this and nod their head. I get it. But I also recognize that this is from social conditioning. IF YOU THINK for some reason that we are born with a natural distaste for certain body types then you are wrong. Let me give you this example: (This example slays btw) 🙏✨ If cellulite wasn’t attractive because its inherently in our DNA, then we wouldn’t also shame women for having body hair. Makes sense right? Body hair grows on us and yet we shave it off because smooth, white, young looking skin is more desirable than the other. But wait! It’s in our primitive mind to look for mates who can survive, so why do we instinctively think that body hair on a woman is unattractive? Considering body hair is developed by biological evolution. BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN RAISED TO THINK THAT. This is called cultural programming. This has nothing to do with what our cavemen minds think is attractive. And if you’ve been following my youtube videos I have spoke that our psychology cannot exist without the influence of our culture or the sub cultures around you. That would be called living in a "cultural vacuum" and it doesn’t exist. If you recognize this, it’s much easier to step out of your body and understand it from a sociological perspective. You can learn so so much about yourself once you realize how our minds and bodies work!! 🙆💕🙆💕🙆 I am no exception to this, cellulite monster inside of me still reigns her ugly head sometimes, but I acknowledge that this is social conditioning and I will not bow down to it. I will try to love myself. Over and over again.❤️ No matter how uncomfortable it makes me, no matter how hard, not matter what anyone says: I am on a journey for self love and I WILL NOT STOP. 🙅🙌🚫 #cellulitesaturday #thisbody #embracethesquish Also lovelies! Pls actually tag me in your pics! If you just @ me, it gets lost. Sowwie 💕💕💕💕💕

Una foto publicada por Kenzie B (@omgkenzieee) el


Okay so let me just say I feel very vulnerable right now. ANY NEGATIVE COMEMNTS KEEP THEM TO YO SELF. 🖐🏽 thank youuuu. I work out 5X a week and eat based off my macros. I drink tons of water and have cheat meals. I am healthy and on my way to healthy lifestyle change. One of my really close social media babes ( @omgkenzieee ) created a campaign called #CelluliteSaturday and I am so proud of her. Embrace your insecurities and love who you are. I am proud to say I stand behind this message and hope that you too can share your beautiful bodies. I have always been the fat friend, the chubby one, the one who was overlooked through my school years for the reason of being bigger. Bigger than the "normal" girls. Be your own normal. Watching @omgkenzieee ‘a newest YouTube vid will help you realize that you don’t have to have perfect smooth white skin to be beautiful. Okay I’m going to go crawl in a hole for awhile and ask myself why I did this–NOT HEALTHY. I realize that and I need to overcome my mental strength along with my fitness journey. And yes I know it’s Friday 😂❤️

Una foto publicada por caybay_khfit (@cayleebaby) el


It’s #CelluliteSaturday! A reminder that a) EVERYONE HAS CELLULITE b) it is NOTHING to be ashamed of and c) cellulite is not an indicator of health. Did you know that cellulite had actually never been mentioned until the 1960s by Vogue? Before then women had been rocking cellulite for YEARS and all of a sudden it became something to fix, something to be ashamed about. But it damn well isn’t. It’s yet another reminder of how so many companies benefit off our insecurities. Don’t let them. Rock those ripples 💪🏼 For more body posi goodness, follow @iamleyahshanks and The Body Confidence Revolution on Facebook and Twitter. Surround yourself with positivity 🌟 📷: @darnelltemenu #inbetweenie #plusmodel #curvemodel #fashion #style #curves #bodyposi #bodypositivity #curvesrock #effyourbeautystandards #inbetweeniestyle #goldenconfidence #allbodiesaregoodbodies #celebratemysize #honormycurves #skorchmagazine #igers #instadaily #selflovebringsbeauty

Una foto publicada por Kitty (@kittyinpinkk) el