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La mayoría de los milenials prefieren viajar antes que practicar sexo


El miedo a perderse alguna de las experiencias de las que han disfrutado ya sus amigos y conocidos o a ser el único que no inunde sus perfiles de las redes sociales de instantáneas tomadas en distintos rincones del mundo parece pesar más en la escala de valores y/o necesidades de los mileniales que el sexo.

Según un estudio llevado a cabo por Contiki, una compañía de autobuses que prometer ofrecer experiencias inolvidables a viajeros de entre 18 y 35 años a precios asequibles, revela que el 57 por ciento de los preguntados pertenecientes a ese grupo de edad estaría dispuesto a renunciar a mantener relaciones sexuales durante seis meses a cambio de poder viajar gratis por el mundo.

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I got so caught up yesterday I totally forgot to shout out to the fact it was WORLD VEGAN DAY. ??? So here’s me doing what I do, loving the fact that being vegan still allows me to enjoy delicious food, whilst also ensuring I’m doing something important. Every. Single. Day. ?? If you ask me, you don’t need a huge reason to go vegan. I think we often look for some larger-than-life justification for change and if the common reason doesn’t resonate with us in whole, we decide it’s not worthwhile. ??‍♀️ • • I’ve never experienced owning pets properly in my life, so as much as treating each animal as equal to myself is important to me, it doesn’t dig as deep as looking after the beauty that lies beyond our screens; that is, the bold mountains, the blue seas, the green grass that has stained my skin since childhood. ?? It is THIS world that gives me life. I plan to give life back to it. ?? This reasoning aside, there’s also just the fact that no matter what fads go in and out, it is deep in my heart that what we’re doing here when we revolutionise a meat-and-dairy reliant culture.. is right. It is progressive. And it is worthwhile. ✔️ That gut feeling alone is enough. ? • • A shout-out to all the cafes and food stores and brands and people who are making this journey increasingly possible by the day! ?? P.S. I place no judgement on those who aren’t vegan. I have many in my life and I don’t think criticism nor demonisation is the key to progress. As I expect for my instinct to be trusted, I too trust the instinct of others. Do what feels right for you everyday. ? The most important change that has ever occurred, after all, has stemmed from our instinct for justice, fairness and what FEELS right as human beings. I’m proud that no matter the characterisation of our diets, we continue to honour such instinct through our actions. ?? Here’s to the beginning everyone.. for so much is destined to change yet! ✨ It ain’t so bad to be a millennial, after all. ??

Una publicación compartida de KENZIE ☕️ (@currentlylovingblog) el

Esa cifra se multiplica por dos si el sacrificio a cambio de cumplir el sueño de muchos, poder conocer otros rincones y culturas sin arruinarse en el proceso, pasara por renunciar a su cuenta de Netflix (80 por ciento) o a consumir alcohol durante ese período de tiempo.

Fuente: Bangshowbiz